CatBase Version 8 and later includes a fantastic new feature:
Create a fully-formed catalog, directory, price list or whatever as a ready-to-use PDF and/or MS Word document!
Note: This is a new feature which is still under development. It is available as a "beta" version in CatBase Version 10.
Add any number of Sections to your document. Types of Section:
Front Cover Page
Introductory Pages
Body section
End Matter
Back Cover
Publish directly to PDF
Publish to a Word document
Save the publication as an editable document within the CatBase database
Include Images
Create barcodes and QR codes and include them in the document
Create hyperlinks
Watch this video to see how easy it is to turn your data into a finished PDF:
Document Sections
Front Cover Page
Each document can have one Front Cover Page. This page contains a static image.
This will always be the first Section in the document.
Intro Pages
Any number of static introductory pages. For example, these pages might contain information about your company, details on how to order, and so on.
Intro pages can be placed anywhere between the Front Cover Page and the first Body Section. Intro pages can contain:
Static text.
Static Images
Background Images
Body Section
Each document must contain at least one Body section. This will be the "meat" of your publication: the content taken from your CatBase database. You can have multiple Body sections. Each Body Section can contain:
a Header
a Footer
Static text
Static images
Dynamic content (this is the only REQUIRED element). The dynamic content is built using a Publishing Stylesheet.
A background image
The Index can be automatically created when the publication is built. This section can contain:
Static images
Static text
A background image
The index contents - created dynamically. This is the only required element in the Index Section.
End Matter
Each document can have any number of End Matter pages. These are static pages that can contain:
These pages can be placed either before or after the Index. Use them for things like Terms & Conditions, Order Forms, and that sort of thing.